
Vegetation of Appalachian Region !!

Question 1: Translate the word "forest" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?

Question 2: Find a picture of a forest. What does it look like? Explain in 3-5 sentences what is in the picture.

The forest was very greenful and prety, the animal always want to live there.and i last time came to forest, was so hard to walking. even thought forest was very wonderful, but is not along to stay in the forest.
There are two kinds of forests in this region.The first one is called "coniferous" and the second one is called "deciduous".
Question 3: Translate the word "coniferous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?C
Coniferous: 结球果的, 松柏科的

Question 4: What is special about a coniferous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.
this kind of forest it was like Christmas tree, and also look like these tree is Artificial. so not specai.

Question 5: Find a picture of a coniferous forest.

Question 6: Translate the word "deciduous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
3.非永久的, 暂时的
Question 7: What is special about a deciduous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.

The deciduous forest color was very special, but the this forest just have short time. This kind of forest i like it .
Question 8: Find a picture of a deciduous forest.


The Appalachian Region !

The climate of the Appalachian region is affected by two ocean currents.
a. The Labrador Current
b. The Gulf Stream

Question 1: What is an ocean current? Translate it into Chinese or Korean and explain in 3-5 sentences using your own words.
Ocean current: 海流, 洋流

An ocean current is continuous, direct movement of the ocean water. In ocean has many ocean current, it is same to bady. In ocean always have very big ocean current.

Find a picture of an ocean current. (It can be any ocean current). Post it!

The Labrador CurrentThe Labrador Current brings cold water from the Arctic and causes the weather to be colder in the winter months.

Question 3: Find a picture of The Labrador Current. Post it! Explain what you see in the picture.

This is labrador current picture, has so many ocean movment.

The Gulf StreamThe Gulf Stream brings warm water from the Caribbean.
Question 4: Find a picture of The Gulf Stream. Post it! Explain what you see in the picture.

These picture picture it is gulf stream Process, i don't know thses picture, but it is about would temputer change.

These two currents meet and make a very good place for fish to grow!Look at the picture below. Aren't there a lot of fish?



1. Can you find a picture that has all of the ocean currents in the world?

2. Are there any ocean currents that affect the climate of China?



Let's learn about the topography of the Appalachian Region!

1.the word "plateau" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

2. Find a picture of the Appalachian plateau. Post it. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

The appalachain plateau are very empty ,and look like desert. also not have tree, plant and rive. Altitude 1000 meters at a general.
3. Translate the word "fertile" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here
4. Can vegetation grown on a fertile plateau?
5. Translate the word "river valley" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.
river valley:流域
6. Find a picture of a river valley. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

I see big river valley, was very beautiful,and the river was also very clean.It was better than plateau, had tree, plant, and animal.
7. Find a picture to show the meaning of "sedimentary rock".

8. Translate the word "sedimentary rock"

sedimentary rock:沉积岩
1. Find out what an ocean current is.

The steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction
2. What are the two ocean currents that can change the climate of this region. What are their names? (check your book 165)


Let's learn about Canadian geography!

1. Translate these words into Chinese or Korean. Post it.
region: 区域
geographyc: 地理
provinced: 省
2. Post a map of the Appalachian Region in Canada and not in the United States. The region goes into the United States but is only found in some provinces of the search terms "Appalachian Region in Canada".

3. In this region, there are the Appalachian Mountains. Find a picture you like and post it. Using 5-8 sentences, tell me why you like this picture.

these piture is some like my hometowm mountian.I was very these piture because i like to live in mountian, the environment can better than city, and can smell aroma air.

5. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the climate of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.

In the summer it's not too hot. In winnter time it is not too cold.
6. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the topography of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.

The Appalachian region apsrt of Canada is in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and the east of Quebec. In landform can found the low mountains, flat uplands, forests, rocky cliffs, and many islands.

7. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the vegetation of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.

In appalachian region of vegetation has more forest, and forest have Star flowers, violets, aspen, mountain ash, red spruce, white pine, hemlock, apple trees and sugar maple trees can be found in this region.


Let's learn about Geography!

1a.What is topography? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.
Topography is the shape or configuration of the land, represented on a map by contour lines, hypsometric tints, and relief shading.
1b. Translate the word "topography" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
topography: 地形; 地形学; 地形测量学
2. Find a picture to show what topography is. Post it

3a.What is climate? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.
Climate is the average, or typical, weather conditions observed over a long period of time for give area, for example like beijing weather always hot ,so this is climate.
3b. Translate the word "climate" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.
climate: 气候
4. Find a picture to show what climate is. Post it.

5a. What is vegetation? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.
1 plant life as a whole, esp the plant life of a particular region
2 the process of vegetating
3 any abnormal growth, excrescence, etc
4 a vegetative existence
5b. Translate the word "vegetation" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.6. Find a picture to show what vegetation is. Post it.
vegetation:生长; 发育
1. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's topography. Explain what you see in the picture.

2. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's climate. Explain what you see in the picture.

3. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's vegetation. Explain what you what you see in the picture.


Provinces and Territories

1. What are the differences between provinces and territories? Name three.
provinces territory
1.power 1.less power

2.many people 2.fewer people

3.independent eduction system 3.controlled by federal government

2. When did Canada become a country?

July 1st,1867

3. Which province was the last province to join Canada?

Newfoundland and labrador

4. Which province is the largest in Canada?


5. Which province is the most powerful?

6. Which provinces are maritime provinces?
Newfoundland and Larador
Prince Edward Island
New Bruwick
Nova sotia

7. What is the largest industry in the maritime provinces?

8. Which provinces are the Prairie provinces?
Alberta sasketchuwan Mantouia

9. What can you find in the Prairie provinces?

10. Why is British Columbia called "the gateway to Asia"?
moutain and Ocean


O Canada

Video name:O Canada
Video Clip 1: http://space.tv.cctv.com/act/video.jsp?videoId=VIDE1218013918277235
I like this o canada video sing, this song setting is from BeiJing Olympic Games women football game.and reprsesnt,and i hear canada football was very amazing, they wear white and red foot ball shrit.the canada women sporter look very strong, and they very support they country. so i like this video
Video name: O Canada
Video Clip 2:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/4cN7v-SqbPA/
These children sing song was so qure, had diffrernt kind of people and has different national country.i don't know why they sing canada national,but i see the information about why they singthis song. they just to celebrate some special day, and these children are Kindergarten, i like them.


Jessie poster

1. What is your favorite part of the powerpoint?

this is a white baer, i like this bear, because is very cure, and
2. Tell me three things you have learned about this province.

3. Post a picture of this province's flag, flower and bird on your blog entry.
she give me the flag is Canada national falg.
this is canada national flower.

4. Post a picture of this province and explain why you like it.
this is Alberta food, inside have many seafood and vagtable,so i was very like.
5. How can she improve this powerpoint? Tell her three things.
1.she make some mistake about her poster,look carefully with the question.
2.make more information
3.spelling and gramar.


Canada of Newfoundland and Labrador

1. What did you learn about your province that surprised you?

Newfoundland and labrador-Mummer was very surpised to me .Because Mummering is a centuries-old tradition, practiced mostly in the outports of Newfoundland during the 12 Days of Christmas. and the newfoundland and labrdor people were use costume to make mummer .

2. If you had a chance to visit your province, would you go? Why?

I would went to Signal hill, because this place was represent newfoundland and labrador history,signal hill was from city of st.John,there have many war in this building,.

3. What are the most important things someone should know about your province?
brought the map and about newfoundland and labrador book

4. Put a picture of into your blog. Explain what the flag represents.

The flag of Newfoundland and Labrador was introduced in 1980, and was designed by Newfoundland artist Christopher Pratt.
. The blue color represents the sea, the white color represents snow and ice of winter, the red color represents the effort and struggle of Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans, and the gold color symbolizes the confidence Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans have in themselves and for the future

5. Put a picture of the provincial flower in to your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the flower.

The pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) was chosen as the provincial floral emblem of Newfoundland in 1954. It thrives in marshy, nitrogen-poor, acidic soil areas. Its tubular shaped leafs have hairs, pointing downward, which trap insects that have fallen into it or have been attracted to it by the sweet juice that is found at the mouth of the plant

6. Put a picture of the provincial bird in your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the provincial bird.

lAtlantic Puffin
lThe puffin has officially been the provincial bird of Newfoundland and Labrador since 1991. It is a member of the auk family. The puffin is also called the sea parrot because of its bright multi-colored beak. Marine birds that inhabit cliffs, puffins can dive 50 metres underwater in search of food. they can fly up to 80 km per hour and produce only one egg per year.

7. Put a picture that you like the most about your province. Write down why you like this picture
this is sebaskachu river,it very specially.