Question 1: Translate the word "forest" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
Question 2: Find a picture of a forest. What does it look like? Explain in 3-5 sentences what is in the picture.
Question 2: Find a picture of a forest. What does it look like? Explain in 3-5 sentences what is in the picture.
The forest was very greenful and prety, the animal always want to live there.and i last time came to forest, was so hard to walking. even thought forest was very wonderful, but is not along to stay in the forest.
There are two kinds of forests in this region.The first one is called "coniferous" and the second one is called "deciduous".
Question 3: Translate the word "coniferous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?C
Coniferous: 结球果的, 松柏科的
Question 4: What is special about a coniferous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.
this kind of forest it was like Christmas tree, and also look like these tree is Artificial. so not specai.
Question 5: Find a picture of a coniferous forest.
Question 6: Translate the word "deciduous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
3.非永久的, 暂时的
Question 7: What is special about a deciduous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.
There are two kinds of forests in this region.The first one is called "coniferous" and the second one is called "deciduous".
Question 3: Translate the word "coniferous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?C
Coniferous: 结球果的, 松柏科的
Question 4: What is special about a coniferous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.
this kind of forest it was like Christmas tree, and also look like these tree is Artificial. so not specai.
Question 5: Find a picture of a coniferous forest.
Question 6: Translate the word "deciduous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
3.非永久的, 暂时的
Question 7: What is special about a deciduous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.
The deciduous forest color was very special, but the this forest just have short time. This kind of forest i like it .
Question 8: Find a picture of a deciduous forest.
Question 8: Find a picture of a deciduous forest.