
Western Cordillera Part 2

Western Cordilleran vegetation varies enormously from one side of a mountain to another. Some sides of a mountain get a lot of water and some don't!It is called the rain-shadow effect!Did you know?
On the most, windward slopes of the mountain. There are trees like the Douglas Fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar. Questions (There are 8 questions today!)

1. Find a picture of the Douglas Fir. Post it. Have you seen this tree?
No, I didn't saw this tree befor.

2. How can you remember what this tree looks like and it's name?
I just put this tree picture in to the important place, and every day to look at it.

3. Find a picture of Western Hemlock. Have you seen this tree before?
I don't know, I just see a little a bit same this tree befor.

4. When you look at a Western Hemlook, what is special about this tree. Tell me 3 things about this tree?
Go to this website for some answers!

5. There are many mountains in this region. What do you think happens to the vegetation when we get higher up to the mountain? Can you guess?
I think this region

6. In the southern part of the Western Cordillera region, there is less rain. If there is less rain, do you think the great evergreen trees will grow.
7. The largest trees in the world exist in this region. They can be found in the United States because this region is very long and goes all the way down into Canada's neighbor!!! These trees are called "Giant Sequoias".
a. Find a picture of a Giant Sequoia you like. Explain why you like or don't like it in 3-5 sentences.

8. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Be serious!!!!

1. Can you find the largest tree in the world?

a. Find a picture. Post it.

b. Where is it?

c. How big is it? What are the measurements?

